New Year Update
A round of Christmas catch-ups, people asking how the project is going and whether I have any pictures, has highlighted to me how long it has been since I last posted. Too busy doing work, not enough time to write about it. Here’s where we are at the moment…
1) Exterior
- Side and rear elevation: render repaired and painted with breathable silicate paint. Ironmongery goods cleaned and painted. Plastic rainwater goods replaced with cast iron goods and painted.
- Rear chimney stack: Repaired and flue liner fitted.
- Windows and rear door: repaired and painted. Plus, exposed brick window lintels re-rendered in lime for proper water throw-off to prevent water ingress into the top of the window frames.
2) Lounge
- Wet/damaged plaster removed, wall allowed to dry, replastered with lime. Bare brick chimney breast also re-rendered in lime.
- Ceiling: Breathable acoustic insulation installed between joists. Woodwool boards screwed to joists and plastered in lime.
- Painted with limewash and clay paint.
- Carpeted with seagrass carpet.