Tresco Abbey |
Award winning professional photography by James Osmond. Outdoor photographer specialising in landscapes, gardens, outdoor lifestyle, heritage and travel. Based in Bristol, UK.
Photography, Photographer, Landscape, gardens, Outdoor, Outdoors, Bristol, UK, Professional, commissions, commission, Landscape Photography, Garden photography, Outdoor Photography, UK, Landscape photographer, Garden Photographer, Outdoor Photographer, expert, award winning, hillwalking, hiking, cycling, camping, heritage, castles, churches, buildings,
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Tresco Abbey

Located 45km southwest of mainland Cornwall, this archipelago of 5 inhabited islands and countless uninhabited ones is a place where the horticulture has a very strong link to the environment.  The sandy soil is very free draining and water is a precious resource coming from storage, boreholes and limited de-salination, so drought tolerance is key. Agapanthus and Aonium are ubiquitous, self seeding into walls and roofs, giving most of the gardens here a carefree and unmanaged charm.  At Tresco Abbey though, the free draining soil and warm winter climate are used to push boundaries and create a garden of unique character.




Isles of Scilly, UK